best foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal reddit

I just had my tonsils out and wisdom teeth before that. Eating Regular Food After Your Wisdom Teeth are Removed.

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Patients can usually eat solid foods approximately one week after the procedure ask your surgeon if this is the schedule you should follow.

. The 8 best foods for swollen mouth after wisdom teeth removal. Day four means that you can finally start eating more normal foods again. Youll want to avoid infections or complications which can result from food or bacteria becoming trapped in the extraction area.

Tuna salad egg salad salmon tilapia meatballsmeatloaf and ground meat are all good options. In most cases your dentist will recommend a liquid or soft diet for. Yet another one of the best foods to eat after wisdom teeth out is eggs.

When Can I Eat Chips After Wisdom Teeth Removal Reddit. If you have any questions about your recovery or care instructions after a wisdom teeth removal dont hesitate to contact your oral surgeon. Once the pain and swelling have gone down you can ease back into eating regular foods.

What to eat after wisdom teeth removal. This will probably be 3 or 4 days after your extraction. What not to eat and drink after wisdom teeth removal at best.

Soft cooked pasta mac and cheese is your friend is a good next step. What you eat following your wisdom teeth removal is important. Can I Eat Chips 6 Days After Wisdom Teeth Removal.

Smoothies no small seeds like raspberries or strawberries unless you strain no straws Mashed potatoes Very soft pasta Jello Yogurt Soup Ice cream Pudding Shakes. Avoid hard foods because they can dislodge a blood clot causing a dry socket. Here are 15 healthy foods to eat after youve had your wisdom teeth removed.

It is important to stay away from any foods that could easily become stuck in the extraction site or cause injury to your healing gums. This insures you get a full range of motion sooner. I will try and make as nutritious suggestions as possible even thought i must admit after surgery nutrition wasnt the first thing on my mind.

After a wisdom teeth surgery your oral surgeon will explain that there are certain foods to avoid especially patients with medical history. Potatoes are very delicious and many kinds of food can be cooked but if you have had your wisdom tooth removal. Only eat nutrient-rich soft-textured foods and liquids after wisdom teeth removal.

Make him some vegan smoothies. The following foods will provide important vitamins and nutrients for recovery and are easy to chew and swallow. Extra cinnamon may even help with healing.

What are the best foods to eat after wisdom tooth extraction. Tuna salad egg salad salmon tilapia meatballsmeatloaf and ground meat are all good options. So you still need to have soft temperate foods noodles boiled veggies soups basically anything boiled is soft enough as long as it isnt too hot.

What can I eat after having my wisdom teeth removed. You should only eat soft foods during the procedure since the procedure area will be very sensitive. On the third day after wisdom.

The patients that only do liquids tend to have a limited opening for a bit. I ate lots of mashed potatoes mac and cheese yogurt and ice cream. Or had oral.

Along with drinking plenty of water youll want to eat the best foods for wisdom teeth removal that will be both nutritious and comforting to your mouth. Today I was able to eat a soft breakfast sandwich crossiant cheese and egg homemade pumpkin bread and a normalish meal of pork loin in tiny pieces just swallowed them lol mashed potatoes and carrots. Avoid orange juice and acidic foods no drinking from straws no carbonation.

Generally youll want to stick to liquids and soft mushy foods for 3 to 5 days including. Blended soups easy to eat nutrient-rich and hydrating Broths full of essential. Patients heal and feel better when they eat a normal diet.

When mashing use kefir instead of milk for probiotic benefits especially if youre taking antibiotics Apples in sauce or peeled and baked until soft. What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal. Jello pureed soup potato leek carrot tomato etc scrambled eggs or poached eggs pate oatmeal bananas and pb avocado.

Having a wisdom tooth removed is no fun especially for spicy foods lovers. The best thing to do is wait a few days. When can I eat solid foods after wisdom tooth removal.

You cannot buy candy chips or anything else that contains caffeine. Its best to start with regular foods like oatmeal scrambled eggs cottage cheese other soft cheeses or fish. Many individuals find smoothies to be incredibly satisfying.

How long do i have to wait to eat pizza after wisdom teeth removal. I see a lot of people recommend rice but Id wait cause they tiny pieces get stuck easily. Keep the next few days pretty soft but you can start having harder foods each day.

Im curious about this because when my other wisdom teeth were taken out it felt like i couldnt eat solid foods for a week. Avocados are a great treat. Apple sauce vegan mac and cheese soups vegan puddingyogurt are a blessing.

For 3 to 5 Days. Other activities to avoid during recovery its best to take a day or two off work after having wisdom teeth removed. Make sure he drinks lots of water.

Best Foods After Wisdom Teeth Removal Reddit. It was so good. Brush and floss the rest of the teeth in your mouth as normal but stay away from your wisdom teeth sockets.

Depending on recommendations from your dentist you may also be able to eat soft foods such as oatmeal toast eggs fully cooked pasta or bananas. Spagetti with tomato sauce was a favorite. The first 24 hours serve as the blood clotting period.

Fruit smoothies with seedless fruit. Nutritious soft foods help with recovery and prevent discomfort. Eggs are among the best foods to eat after having your wisdom teeth out.

Smaller bites chewed more to the front first molar forward. We want our patients eating relatively normal foods after the numbness has gone away. Foods to eat include soups broths smoothies mashed potatoes scrambled eggs apple sauce bananas and flaky fish like salmon.

Ago edited 4 yr. It is recommended to consume foods such as apple sauce and mashed potatoes within a week of wisdom teeth removal. Patients can usually eat solid foods approximately one week after the procedure ask your surgeon if this is the schedule you.

Theyre a source of high quality protein rich in vitamins and minerals. 10 foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal. Here are 18 of our favorite post-op foods to eat after wisdom tooth extraction.

Best foods after wisdom teeth removal reddit.

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